DJS + Musicians
Bob Raina Disc Jockey Service
Vendor Phone: 413-732-7186
Vendor Email: bob@bobrainadj.com
Vendor Site: www.bobrainadj.com
Address: Western Massachusetts
Marx Entertainment
Vendor Phone: 413-525-6188
Vendor Email: info@marxdjs.com
Vendor Site: www.marxdjs.com
Address: 175 Benton Drive, East Longmeadow, MA 01028
The O-Tones
Vendor Phone: 413-584-8760
Vendor Email: mewitt@gmail.com
Vendor Site: www.theotones.com/
Address: Serving New England
The Bernstein Bard Trio
Vendor Phone: 845-255-0822
Vendor Email: sbernstein1@hvc.rr.com
Vendor Site: www.bernsteinbardtrio.com
Address: Bernstein Bard Trio, 142 Gulford Schoolhouse Rd., New Paltz, N.Y. 12561
John Hughes
Vendor Phone: (802) 380-5683
Vendor Email: johnhughesarts@mac.com
Vendor Site: www.johnhughesmusic.com
Address: 33 West St., Brattleboro, VT 05301